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Happy New Year!

Well, another 365 days have passed. My family and I had a very lovely time and I hope you did as well.

For me this year it's all about dedication and focus. What are you choosing to dedicate and focus on? Perhaps there's something you've been longing to do which you've put off for sometime, or maybe it's time for a new sweet pet or you might want to start a new relationship. We all have these desires, needs and wants but what does it truly take to take those steps to make them a reality?

There are so many things we can do. And when it comes to our spiritual and mental well-being for most of us we don't invest in ourselves. During 2023 readings many people choose from the Grid of Life (the framework to build a balanced life) that they needed clarity insight and wisdom mostly in: Me Time, Relationships, Family and Business/Career.

And then I noticed a pattern. That most people are interested in the last 3 and then stated that what they really wanted most was to have more Me Time. I also noticed that people think that Me Time is selfish. Well, it takes being selfish to achieve what you need most and that means that you must put yourself 1st.

But the other thing about Me Time is that you have to work on it! You have to give up some things, you have to set boundaries and you have to face those dark parts of you and heal them. However, the end result is amazing! You will not only feel better but your whole life will shift to more joy and happiness.

And what more? We have to be open to learning and expanding spiritually. Yes, we work on our physical and mental for the most part but without being in touch with our "selves" our true spirit, we wonder aimlessly and stuck.

Investing in ourselves helps us to grow. I learned more about myself, others and being happy by investing in myself. I let go of old outdated worries, angers and fears and began looking forward to each day with a smile. No, it's not all "good" and it's not all "bad" once you start investing but it is life-altering and worth all the effort.

So, if you or someone you know, needs to expand spiritually you can start small. I'm offering 15 for 15. This is a Grid of Life reading for 15 minutes with an oracle card for each of the 9 areas (of the Grid) for $15.

Here's to being determined and focused in 2024. Here's to investing in ourselves to have more "Me Time" and thereby more happiness in all other areas of our lives.

Namaste / Peace



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