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I Make a Difference in the World

When I discovered that giving was one of the best things for loving myself, and would also help my mental health, I decided to raise money and donate it to the Canadian Mental Health Association.

In 2019, I raised $34.70. It was a happy moment for me sending those funds. Happy but not satisfied. I wasn't satisfied because I wanted to make a difference and I felt that $34.70 wasn't going to cut it.

So I sat down with myself and reflected on how I could raise more money.

I loved to hold yard sales. It gave me an opportunity to talk to people about raising money through the colouring books & cards. At that time I was donating 10% of my sales. Then later, I thought I could also hold raffles. So in 2020, I reached a goal of $102.00.

In 2021 I told myself, "Annette you can triple that!" and meditated on it. I came up with the idea of asking my housekeeping clients to donate things they no longer wanted, sell the stuff in my yard sales and donate 100% of that money.

My clients were so generous!! I also told my family and friends and the support was amazing. I held another raffle and learned how to market better.

So, I not only tripled my donation of 2020 I knocked it out of the ballpark!! Between sales of the books & cards, the yard fundraisers and the raffle I raised over $1300!!! I was ecstatic.

When I sent that donation to CMHA I realized I was making a difference. I had reached and surpassed my goal.

This year my goal is to double 2021's donation. Making a difference in the world has always been my vision and the feeling from that is bliss.

Wish me luck and please support! My Valentine's raffle is currently on.



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