Self-Care Rituals
Good morning!
Each morning I have beautiful rituals which include a lot of the lessons I learned while healing and evolving. For the next several blogs I'm going to share a few of them.
The first practice is as I open my eyes to the sound of the alarm I consciously welcome the day. I place my feet on the floor one at a time and say Thank You to God for giving me this day. I woke, I'm alive and this day is a new opportunity to create.
The second practice is to get a coffee! Yes, every single morning I get my favorite mug, fill it full of hot warm brown caffeine and not worry about a single thing. You may be asking, how the heck does coffee equal self-care/healing? Well, I love it! And if you love something accept it! I tried for years to give it up but there are some things that you just want to live with (notice I didn't say live without) and coffee is something I choose to live with. It starts my day with a smile because I hold it in my two hands and feel it's warmth which starts my day off great.
My third practice is to get my inspirational book (currently I'm using Heart Thoughts by Louise Hay), I close my eyes and ask source for a page number. Once I have my page # I read. Today was about freely expressing who I am. Then I reflect briefly on what I read. This inspired me to start this blog :)
These small rituals, done each day have inspired and helped me to grow, love and appreciate all the goodness I create for myself. I start my day feeling hopeful and knowing my day will go well. And, if the Universe decides to send me a challenge, I'm prepared for it.
These practices took time to develop, just as Source intended for us, we are work in progress, it's not perfection. So I'll leave you with a spiritual hug and wish you the most amazing day. I love you! Namaste!
Your spiritual self-love warrior.
